Hey there
I would like to start by briefly explaining to you what huhuuuuu means.
In the land where I was born and raised, “huhuuu” contains sweetness in it, it is an endearing invitation, an expression of call.
Huhuu neighbor
Huhuu brother
Huhuu, could you look at that?
Huuhuu are you there?
Secondly, I would like to explain to you, again briefly, why I thought of making such a page.
One day I said to myself;
Well, since the world has become a big village with globalization,
Well, if technology allows you to reach the other end of this big village with a click
Then why don’t I call out from one end of this big village…
What would happen if I called out…
Can anyone hear…
What would happen if it didn’t…
Following the G multiple climaxes I created inside me to answer questions like this, I decided to put the final point and call out to you.
Huhuu are you there?
See you soon with my writings, my stories
I hope that you can remember your responsibilities to your world and to the world.